Participants 6 months *crawling babies & older must purchase a Punch pass

MONDAY 9:00-10:30AM- 1-6 year old $10+GST per pass

SUNDAY 3:30-5:30PM- all ages $15+GST per pass *LAST DAY May 5th

To Register:

  1. Click link >

  2. Create account and go to ProShop.

  3. Select Passes.

  4. Click on YEG OPEN GYM PASS (Punch Pass)

  5. Select Student & Add Pass to Cart.

  6. Check Out & Pay Now (or add more passes if you are bringing other children.)

  7. When you arrive at the Gym. Click on My Account.

  8. Click on Passes & then Use Punch Pass.

  9. Select the day of the week you are attending.

  10. Click “Punch In”.